Our mission is to empower you to revitalize your yard and restore your environment while beautifying your home and neighborhood.
We have done our homework so that you can enjoy the process of simply choosing the mix of native plants that you like most.
From coast to coast, America is waking up to the power and beauty of its native plants. We’re here to make that vision a reality!
What We Stand For

Your Yard is Your Slice of the Planet
It should be a place for both personal expression and powerful stewardship.
Biodiversity is Key to a Healthy and Beautiful Yard
More species of native plants equals more ecological services, blooms, and textures in your yard.
Everyone Can Do It
Everyone can and should feel empowered to create beautiful, sustainable, and truly healthy yards.
Native Plants Form the Roots of a Vibrant Ecosystem
We strive to knock down the many barriers between finding and planting the right natives for your yard.

How We Got Here
As is now widely appreciated, habitat loss and mismanagement have contributed to incredible losses of many critical pollinators. These creatures are foundational to our planet’s functioning and beauty and to our own well-being.
Most American yards are still stuck on lawns, which demand huge amounts of water, chemicals, and time to maintain and offer almost no support for nature. Now is the time to reconsider what our yards can do!
We created My Home Park to support the buyers and growers of native plants alike, streamlining the selection process, defragmenting the market, and empowering everyone to beautify their yard with beautiful and powerful native plants.
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