Shipping Season Extended to October 28th! Order by October 22nd to Plant this Fall!

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below or you need more support, please contact us here.


We consider a plant species “native” (or indigenous, endemic) to a certain area when we know that it has been growing there for a very long time - often for tens of thousands of years or more. Because of this, these plants are often well-adapted to their native range, and have come to support many other organisms (e.g. pollinators and birds!) that have come to rely on them in that time. This is in contrast to most of the ornamental garden plants, which were introduced to this continent in just the last hundred years. These support fewer species and typically require more particular care to thrive. Read more about the power and beauty of native plants.
We could go on and on, but in just a few words: native plants are - on average - highly drought tolerant, deep rooting, long blooming, perennial powerhouses that have evolved to interact with and support the ecosystems of the regions in which they are normally found. This means that by planting even a few species of native plant, you are stabilizing soil, sequestering carbon, reducing water usage, and supporting hundreds of pollinators, birds, and other beneficial organisms that keep your yard - and your environment - healthy and beautiful.
Never. Period. We screen all of our awesome growers - both local and regional - to ensure that our plants are grown using organic or otherwise systemic-free methods.
Not at all! Bees and wasps will be among many pollinators drawn to your plants; and they will be focused on gathering nectar and pollen to provision their nests while there. Although some of these creatures certainly can sting, they are saving this as a very last resort, not a first defense. We encourage you to document whatever buzzing buddies should show up with the confidence of knowing that If they’re snacking they’re not attacking!
We source our plants from best-in-class growers who develop strong root systems and ship plants only when ready. We ship plugs, which are the healthiest state for planting and arrive ready to grow. Finally, we only ship plants that are native to your region, which means they come prepared to face the heat, cold, drought or other climatic challenges unique to where you live. Our replacement guarantee is for 1 year from purchase, and is unlimited with an annual subscription.
We provide a plant count and bloom chart in the additional information section of all of our gardens (this example will open in a new tab). Click on "additional information" on your favorite combo's product page to learn more. We are currently developing an even more in depth system to share this information.

Installation & Maintenance

Yes, you absolutely can install these plants yourself! Following our custom planting maps (sent with your order) and with just a little preparation, you should have little trouble getting these young plants into the ground.
Your plants will be growing continuously from before your order until well after you’ve gotten them into the ground. On average it takes about 2 years for most of these plants to reach full maturity, but many will show off their blooms in their first year. It’s important to remember that perennial plants live from their roots. Many species will seem to die back in the Fall as they consolidate energy in their roots. Rest assured, you will enjoy their re-emergence and blooming the following spring or summer like the return of a dear friend.
Less than you’d expect, and not nearly as much as a lawn. We estimate that most of our gardens will require less than 6 hours of care per year to keep your plants looking great. Once your plants are established, maintenance may include a few minutes of weeding weekly. At the end of the season you may want to cut the plants down or leave them for winter interest. In the spring a short clean-up may take less than 30 minutes to set the table for the season. We are developing a system of periodic maintenance reminders (sent via email) to empower you to keep your plants looking great in all seasons.
Native plants are still shaking off their reputation as "messy" plants. As with any plant, established alone or without consideration for size or condition, they can become gawky misfits or block other plants in a garden bed. My Home Park addresses this challenge by designing gardens that are structured to work together. Our planting maps arrange species as you would expect: with taller plants towards the back or center and shorter plants toward the front or outer edge. Additional structure is provided by native grasses and taller strong-stemmed perennials.
Mid-spring and mid-to-late fall are the optimal times to plant. Exact dates depend on your region. Reach out at or consult with your local Master Gardeners for specific information.


Sounds weird right? Rest assured! Our shipment-ready growers are experts in the practice of safely shipping the plants they’ve grown. (A quick reminder as well: most if not all of the plants you buy at the garden center were originally shipped there, too!). Our growers ship plants as "'plugs" - young plants with very well-established root systems. At this stage, many native perennials are highly tolerant to handling and transplanting, and will establish rapidly once installed. They're also less expensive to produce and ship, allowing you to buy more.
Currently we ship plants during the viable planting period of May 15 through October 31. In general, shipping and planting during this window ensures that your plants will establish well in your yard. We accept orders throughout the year and recommend pre-ordering early to net savings and get ahead of high demand.
My Home Park and its partnered growers make every effort to produce all plants intended for inclusion in this and other kits on the My Home Park site. Unfortunately, as can happen in any nursery, our growers do face occasional crashes in their plant stocks. In the event that a kit is missing any of the intended species at time of shipping, we will work closely with our grower to identify a replacement for the original species that will offer comparable sun exposure, soil moisture, bloom color, and height in the kit. You can read more about our substitution and other policies at