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Meadow City Nursery (Cleveland, OH)

At My Home Park, we are always looking for ways to support expert growers and native plant experts. Our team has been proud to see how Meadow City has grown over the last year and would like to use our platform to support them.

Written by: David Levine
Posted: September 29, 2023 | 1 Min Read
Meadow City Nursery


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Welcome to a series where we highlight various native plant experts and growers! Read on to learn more about Meadow City Native Plant Nursery, located in Cleveland, Ohio.

The native plant grower community is a stark contrast to the tech industry that I worked in before co-founding My Home Park. Amongst all entrepreneurs, there is usually a common mission to foster a collaborative and friendly playing field. But the entrepreneurs who start native plant nurseries are often doing it to help improve the world, not to get attention or live a fancy lifestyle.

Julie and Alyssa at Meadow City Nurseryin Cleveland, Ohio are a great example of this ethic. Before starting Meadow City Nursery, Julie spent years working with established nurseries to learn about local ecotypes and the healthiest growing methods. When we first met, she presented a very comprehensive business plan.

My first question to her was “Can you can live off of that little in salary?” To become a contributor in native plants takes sacrifices that Julie has been willing to make. Alyssa, her co-founder, added discipline around processes and a way to bridge the ideals of the best principles of growing native plants with a sustainable business.

Julie and Alyssa, cofounders of Meadow City Nursery

I am so proud of how Julie and Alyssa put their heads down and powered through the challenges and emotional rollercoaster. I am also impressed with their success in their first year, from finding space in a vacant city lot to far exceeding their sales goals.

At My Home Park, we are always looking for ways to support expert growers and native plant experts. Our team has been proud to see how Meadow City has grown over the last year and would like to use our platform to support them.

If you are looking for native plants in the Cleveland area, please visit them at Meadow City!

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