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Buying Plants Online: Debunking Common Myths with My Home Park

APRIL 19, 2023
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person sitting at computer buying plants online

Online shopping has been a game-changer for many of us, making it easy to buy outfits, shoes, food and more, without ever leaving the comfort of our homes. And in recent years, another trend has emerged: buying plants online. This convenient way of plant shopping has quickly gained popularity as people discover the joy of bringing nature into their homes with just a few clicks.

Despite the ease of online plant shopping, some people are still hesitant to take the plunge. They worry about the quality of the plants, shipping issues or simply miss the experience of browsing in person. After all, plants are living things and it's natural to want to inspect them carefully before buying. However, these concerns are often based on misconceptions rather than reality.

In this article, we will debunk three common misconceptions that people have about buying plants from online plant stores. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of why buying plants online with My Home Park can be a great option for both seasoned plant parents and beginners alike.

Separating Facts from Myths About Buying Plants Online

Let's debunk five common myths surrounding online plant shopping and discover how My Home Park can make your plant-buying experience better by proving these myths wrong:

Myth #1: "Online plant retailers ship low-quality plants that are doomed to die"

One of the persistent myths about online plant delivery service is that the plants arrive in a poor condition with low chances of survival. This misconception may have originated from negative customer reviews mentioning small, unhealthy plants, which deter many beginner gardeners from considering online plant shopping. Many people feel that online plants are unlikely to ever arrive in a good shape when compared to those found at their local nurseries.


While it's not entirely untrue that some customers may receive low-quality plants when shopping online, it's important to note that not all experiences are the same. Reputable online stores like My Home Park, take great care in selecting and shipping only healthy plants that are sure to thrive in your garden.

At Home Park, we understand that shipping plants online can be stressful, which is why we have strict quality control measures in place. We only ship live and healthy plants that are roughly 6 months to a year old.

Many of our customers have expressed great satisfaction in receiving live plants that are in top condition and establish themselves quickly, dispelling the myth that plants from online stores are always of bad quality and doomed to die!

Myth #2 "Online Websites Have Limited Variety and Nothing Unique"

Many people feel that online nurseries only have a standard set of outdoor plants and flowering plants which are commonly found in every home. Plant lovers and gardening enthusiasts who look for variety, often feel that there is no point buying online since local nurseries have a better chance of catering to their needs. This is a misconception!


At Home Park, you can find a wide range of native plant collections which feature a careful selection of native plant species which you won't easily find in physical stores. Our collections are specially curated to provide aesthetic and functional benefits for your home and the environment. From native shrubs to wildflowers, ground covers and even native grasses - we have them all!

The best part is that you can customize these plant collections per your color preferences, soil and weather conditions of your region. This way, you can create a unique home garden that stands out in your neighborhood.

Myth #3: "Online Plants are Difficult to Care For"

Many people assume that plants from online stores are quite difficult to tend to, as they may not be well-suited to the new environment and often come with no care instructions. Beginners in particular, feel that their lack of knowledge could lead to the death of the plants and hence refrain from the idea of buying plants online. However, this is not always true!


At Home Park, we take plant care quite seriously! Every shipment includes instructions that describe the installation process and other needs. We even offer customer support to help you maintain your plants. Also, all of our plant collections are designed to be low maintenance and establish themselves quickly in your garden without demanding too much of your time or effort

TIP: You can always research specific plant maintenance tips online or ask for advice from fellow plant enthusiasts in online forums. With a little bit of research and attention, you can easily maintain the health and beauty of your online plant purchases.

Myth #4: "Buying Native plants from online stores is not a great idea as they may not come from reliable growers and their authenticity is questionable"

Many people are skeptical about buying native plants online, as they fear that these plants may not be genuine or mislabeled to mislead the customers. Additionally, there is a concern that these plants may come from other regions and have difficulty adapting to their new environment. However, this is just a myth!


At My Home Park, we take pride in sourcing our native plants from a network of reliable and experienced growers who specialize in native plants. We provide detailed information about the source of our plants, so our customers can be confident about the quality and authenticity of their purchase.

Myth #5: "There are no refunds if one receives an incorrect plant variety or a damaged shipment"

The fear of not being able to receive a refund in case of an incorrect or damaged plant shipment can indeed be a major concern for online plant shoppers. Some people believe that online plant retailers do not have a customer-friendly return policy and may make it difficult for customers to get their money back.

As a result, many customers are hesitant to buy plants online, fearing that they may lose their money if something goes wrong. Additionally, some people have the misconception that online plant retailers have poor customer service, and it can be challenging to get in touch with someone from the team if they face any issues with their order. However, this is not true for reputable online retailers like My Home Park.


At My Home Park, we are committed to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction. We understand that mistakes and accidents can happen during the shipping process despite taking extreme care and precautions. If you happen to receive a damaged plant during shipping, we will work closely with you to determine if the plant can still be established in your yard or if it qualifies for a refund or replacement. Our team is always available to assist you with any concerns you may have.

To sum up, there are several myths about buying plants online that can make the process seem intimidating or even impossible. However, by debunking these myths, we hope we have shown that online plant shopping can be a convenient and enjoyable experience, especially when you choose a reliable retailer like My Home Park.

With a wide selection of authentic native plant collections, detailed care instructions, and excellent customer support, My Home Park makes it easy to find and care for the plants you love. Also, By choosing native plants for your home garden, you are not only creating a beautiful and natural habitat for wildlife, but also supporting the health of our planet.

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