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white flowers of black cohoshrich green foliage of black cohosh
white flowers of black cohoshrich green foliage of black cohoshwhite flowers of black cohoshrich green foliage of black cohosh

Black Cohosh

Actaea racemosa

Black Cohosh features deep green, divided leaves that form a dense, bushy clump. By late summer, it shoots up dramatic spikes of tiny, white flowers that reach high above the foliage, creating an eye-catching display in shaded areas. The plant is not only a visual standout but also valued for its historical use in herbal medicine.


Height48” - 72”
Bloom SeasonJune – September
Soil Types
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
fullShadeFull Shade
partSunPart Sun

Range Map

NativeNo Record

Ecological Benefits

Maintenance Tips

  • Prefers consistently moist soil; water regularly to maintain even soil moisture, especially in dry periods
    Deadhead spent flowers to keep the plant looking tidy and encourage additional blooming
    Thrives in rich, well-draining soil; amend with compost to enhance fertility
    Divide clumps in early spring every 3-4 years to rejuvenate growth and manage spread
    Taller flower spikes may benefit from staking if they become floppy