Kit Pre-orders 20-30% Off Until Feb 14. Shipping May 5th!
common camas blooming on a hillsidecloseup of rich lavender common camas flowers in bloom
common camas blooming on a hillsidecloseup of rich lavender common camas flowers in bloomcommon camas blooming on a hillsidecloseup of rich lavender common camas flowers in bloom


Height12” - 30”
Bloom SeasonMay – June
Soil Types
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
partSunPart Sun
fullSunFull Sun

Range Map

NativeNo Record

Ecological Benefits

Maintenance Tips

  • Prefers consistently moist soil; water regularly, especially during bloom time and less frequently as the plant enters dormancy post-flowering.
  • No pruning necessary. Allow foliage to die back naturally to feed the bulbs for the next season.
  • Thrives in loamy, well-drained soil. Can tolerate heavier clay soils if drainage is adequate.
  • Apply a light mulch to conserve moisture and protect bulbs in colder regions.
  • Monitor for bulb rot in overly wet conditions and pest activity. Divide clumps every few years in autumn to maintain vigor and increase blooms.