Kit Pre-orders 20-30% Off Until Feb 14. Shipping May 5th!
hollow joe pye weed stems and flowers with the sky behindone flower cluster of hollow joe pye weed in full sun
hollow joe pye weed stems and flowers with the sky behindone flower cluster of hollow joe pye weed in full sunhollow joe pye weed stems and flowers with the sky behindone flower cluster of hollow joe pye weed in full sun


Height60” - 120”
Bloom SeasonJuly – September
Soil Types
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
fullShadeFull Shade
partSunPart Sun
fullSunFull Sun

Range Map

NativeNo Record

Ecological Benefits

Maintenance Tips

  • Consider periodically removing seedlings and dividing well established plants to control size and spread of this sensational perennial
  • Well established plants can be cut back to around 2 feet in early summer to reduce overall height an improve bushiness
  • Some stems may require staking to maintain upright structure
  • Note that this plant can and will reach heights of 8 feet or more if happy!