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buttery yellow flowers of marsh marigoldmany marsh marigold blossoms in sun
buttery yellow flowers of marsh marigoldmany marsh marigold blossoms in sunbuttery yellow flowers of marsh marigoldmany marsh marigold blossoms in sun


Height12” - 24”
Bloom SeasonApril – June
Soil Types
Soil Moisture
Sun Exposure
fullShadeFull Shade
partSunPart Sun
fullSunFull Sun

Range Map

NativeNo Record

Ecological Benefits

Maintenance Tips

  • Requires consistently moist to wet soil; does not tolerate dry conditions.
  • Minimal pruning is needed; deadhead spent flowers if a tidy appearance is desired.
  • Thrives in wet, boggy soils rich in organic matter.
  • Marsh marigold is generally low-maintenance but watch for slug and snail damage, especially on young foliage.
  • Note: very similar appearance and environmental preferences to invasive Lesser Celandine, which should be removed if positively identified.